Attendance Policy
- OUHSD Attendance Policy
- Verifying Absences by Notes
- Illness
- Tardies
- On-Campus Illness
- Off-Campus Passes
- Cut or Truancy Policy
- Unexcused Absences
OUHSD Attendance Policy
Verifying Absences by Notes
The district permits a parent/guardian to excuse his/her student’s absence up to ten days without verification of illness from a medical professional. Students too ill to attend after reaching the ten day limit must submit verification of illness from a medical professional upon their return to school. Anytime your student has a doctor's appointment and/or documentation requiring them to stay home from school, this documentation must be turned in immediately when your student returns to school. These absences will be recorded verified and not count toward the ten-day parent/guardian excused limit. If your child is under the regular care of a physician for a serious or chronic condition, or they are directed to stay home by a medical professional before the ten days are reached, you should provide verification at that time. Absences for illnesses not verified after ten days will be marked unexcused and subject the student and/or parents to compulsory education law guidelines.
On-Campus Illness
Off-Campus Passes
The attendance office will issue an off-campus pass when a student must leave school during the school day for a verifiable reason, such as a healthcare appointment, family emergency, etc. Regardless of a student’s age, the attendance office has the right to verify the reason(s) or destination(s) requiring an off-campus pass. To obtain an off-campus pass, the parent/guardian may submit a note to the attendance office before school begins. Parents/guardians may also phone to request their student be issued an off-campus pass. Requests are to be submitted in advance to allow the attendance office to obtain verification and/or contact the student.
Cut or Truancy Policy
A student who is absent without permission or verification, skips class, or cuts class is truant. A truant student does not have the right to demand make-up work or turn in any tests, quizzes, reports, homework, class assignment, etc., due on the day or period he/she received a “Cut”/Truancy. Any student found off-campus, cutting, or on-campus out of class without a proper hall or off-campus pass may be assigned a detention, community service or Saturday School immediately. School discipline is as follows:
Recommended Minimum: Detention, Community Service, period(s) of ISS and Saturday School Parents are contacted when Saturday School is assigned via automated caller Students receive a reminder on the Friday prior to their assigned Saturday School.
Unexcused Absences
- Send a letter or phone home to parent/guardian and the Child Welfare & Attendance Office when a student has accumulated three (3) days of unexcused absences in the same classes in a year.
- Send a letter home to parent/guardian and the Child Welfare & Attendance Office when a student has accumulated five (5) days of unexcused absences in the same classes in a year.
- Students who have accumulated ten (10) or more absences in the same period will receive a letter home advising parent/ guardian the student has been deemed a habitual truant by the State of California. The parent/guardian will then be scheduled to meet with site administration and sign a truancy contract. If truancy continues, the student may be referred to Butte County Probation for truancy mediation. Student may also be referred to an alternative education program within OUHSD. Board Policy AR 5113 (b) Unexcused Absences Education Code 48260 – 48262